Monday, February 27, 2012


2012 is for change... stepping up...


2012 is the start on new beginings... forgetting old endings and moving on. 

But history repeats it's self some days and it throws things out of balance. Feelings that were erased come flooding back! 

Then the ending comes as a shock and mislead, confusing and angry is left with the grave feeling of "you new this was going to happen"  It happened to me, should of known better I saw the signs the moment I lay down the trust. Now I ponder and wait on what "they" have installed for me with my mislead moment.


2012 - Dont make resolutions they are mostly like to fail.


Delete those whom have clouded your mind for years. Waking up and realising this person has had their clutch on me for over a decade and I never saw how they made my life how it is. How people judge me now. 
A weight was lifted the moment it happened... but now I hope karma gets her.


                                         New friends  - Old friends  - exsisting friends <3
